urban) of the routes, (2) the predicted service life using the AASHTO 1972 method is generally lower than that of the M-E method and is affected by the difference between the design structural number (SN) and required SN, (3) the M-E service life for good pavement is generally longer for routes that include CMRB design and the percentage of trucks lower than 10%, and (4) the AASHTO 1972 service life is higher if the existing SN is already exceeding the required SN from the previous maintenance. We follow the 1993 version of the AASHTO Pavement Design Guide as closely as possible. Analysis results indicated that (1) the predicted service life using the M-E method has lower variation than the AASHTO 1972 method and is affected by the location (rural vs. Service life is determined using MAP-21 criteria for good and fair pavements. These designs take into account existing pavement distresses obtained through field investigation of 28 actual rehabilitation projects on primary routes.
Aashto 1993 pavement design guide pdf pdf#
the 1993 AASHTO Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures and the 1998 Supplement to the AASHTO Guide for the NJDOT Companion Manual to the 1993 AASHTO Guide for the PDF file AASHTO, pavement, design, guide, companion, interactive NJDOT Companion Manual to. To perform the evaluation, rehabilitation designs developed by the SCDOT for a research project are used. April 28th, 2018 - AASHTO Design Guide 1993 Part II Pavement Design Procedures for New Construction or Reconstruction Microsoft PowerPoint AASHTO Design Method Author chuck. PAVEMENT DESIGN - Drive PDF filePAVEMENT DESIGN Simpli ed. The MEPDG was used to check the 1993 AASHTO Guide thicknesses at all ESAL levels. The results were then evaluated using ME-PDG. The underlying design procedure for the revised design catalog remains the 1993 AASHTO Guide. The initial design was performed using the local design guide which is based from the AASHTO 1993 design guide. The goal is not to determine which method is better, but rather, it is to understand how their estimated service lives differ and what factors contribute to their differences. Structural Layer Coefficients for Flexible Pavement Base Materials 2-1-3 In the early 80s the Dynaflect and field plate load test were used in pavement evaluation to determine soil support and module of base and subgrade materials from which layer coefficients may be estimated using the 1986 AASHTO Design Guide Nomographs. CHAPTER 2 DESIGN PROCEDURES The 1993 AASHTO Guide and MEPDG were used in combination to help develop a revised WSDOT pavement catalog. The service life here is referred as the duration from last completed rehabilitation to the next maintenance treatment. For a given rehabilitation design, this study evaluates the pavement service life using AASHTO 1972 pavement design guide and mechanistic-empirical (M-E) pavement design guide. The design that keeps the pavement in acceptable condition longest before it needs another maintenance treatment is the preferred design. Mechanistic-Empirical Design Procedures 1.Service life is often used by state transportation agencies to evaluate alternative flexible pavement designs. Rehabilitation Methods other than Overlay Pavement Design Procedures for Rehabilitation of Existing Pavements 1. This package includes a supplement to the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures which includes alternative design procedures for use in place of or. Pavement Design Procedures for New Construction or Reconstruction 1.

Economic Evaluation of Alternative Pavement Design Strategies Design-Related Project Level Pavement Managementģ. Material on overlay design methodology and rehabilitation, including seven overlay procedures and associated options is included. Pavement Design and Management Principles 1. This book provides approaches to pavement design including design and management principals, procedures for new construction or reconstruction, and procedures for rehabilitation of existing pavements. Part III provides alternative methods for pavement rehabilitation with or without the addition of an overlay, and Part IV provides a framework for future developments using mechanistic design procedures. Part II offers a detailed method for the design of new pavements or for reconstruction of existing pavements on the existing alignment with new or recycled materials. AASHTO GUDE FOR DESIGN OF PAVEMENT STRUCTURES.pdf. Based on AASHTO pavement design equations User-friendly.

Part I includes background material to assist the user in the proper interpretation of the design procedures and to provide an understanding of the concepts used in the development of the Guide. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 1307 Development of Drainage Coefficients for the 1986 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement. This book provides approaches to pavement design including design and management principals, procedures for new construction or reconstruction, and procedures for rehabilitation of existing pavements.